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Holistic Mindfulness Therapies and wellness.

Perfect connection Mind, body, Spirit

Flowing as Existence, still as timeless being. Try to keep quiet and focus on the silence of your heart.

Welcome To Perfect connection

Everything changes nothing stays the same.

My Mission is very simple – My goal with my clients is to help them open their hearts and mind to a much higher reality for their lives, to help them believe that anything is possible when you choose to listen from your heart and soul instead of our mechanical minds. 

We create our world with our thoughts and so if we change the way we talk to ourselves, our reality changes for the better. The only thing we can physically control in our life is our breathe and how we are connected to us. All the other things are the fruits of what we plant along the way.

Holistic Mindfulness Therapies

To clear karma and neutralize the vibration, we must confront the old energies and bring Clousure to it once and for all.

A mistake repeated more than once is a choice.
Paulo coelho.

Zoom Classes are available in Spanish, English, and Portuguese

Gloria Martins

- Gloria Martins

Yoga Trainer

Why choose conscious living?

Life is available only in the present moment. So smile to the little things and let go of the things you can’t control.

Being careful of your time, be self aware, choose positive values, Focus on being intentional, accept yourself wholeheartedly, make decisions based on your value, spend wisely.

Your journey is not the same as mine, and my journey is not yours, but if we meet on a certain path, may we encourage each other to keep walking in peace on this life path.

Holistic Mindfulness Therapies

Each Moment Is An Opportunity To Be Kind To Yourself And Your Body

Our Services

Holistic Mindfulness Therapies Awaken your inner power by connecting with your emotions, healing the body, mind and spirit.

Holistic Mindfulness Therapies

Wellness and Mindfulness Package

5 classes package for 1 person private session
Intuitive counselling, yoga, breath work and meditation. A great way to start your path into a better relationship with mind, body and consciousness.

1 hr$480 for 5 Sessions North Brisbane
Holistic Mindfulness Therapies

Master classes for fun and relaxation

Prices for group sessions available only by contacting me to arrange pricing. Business, recreational or private events. Master class for fun and relaxation. Yoga, breath work and lots of fun and laughter.

Events can be for 2 or 3 hours North Brisbane
Holistic Mindfulness Therapies


A fun way to learn some breath work, yoga and meditation tools to use at your work or at home. A great way to build connection with your colleagues at work, or at home with friends and loved ones.

2 hr 30Price by contacting host North Brisbane
Holistic Mindfulness Therapies

Vibroacoustic Therapy

A 3D inner body vibratory sound massage focused primarily on the muscular, skeletal & nervous systems, resulting in healing vibrations positively shifting organs, tissues & cells to their natural state of health. Mr-rwsound Fact: Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) has been shown to modulate the activity of the Vagus Nerve, promoting a cascade of physiological responses

1hr 301 hour session $135 North Brisbane
Holistic Mindfulness Therapies

Sound healing therapy

1 hour and a half session
One of the most amazing ways to connect deeper with your mind and body, leaving you with that feeling of relaxation and calmness. We are made by sounds, vibration and frequency. Sound healing therapy is a great reset for the body and mind. Music and Rhythm find their way to the secret places of the soul. Plato

1 hr 30For couples $185 Private $135 North Brisbane

Join Us

Growth is a dance not a light switch. Be easy on yourself.

You are all the medicine you need. Read this over and over again.

Holistic Mindfulness Therapies
Holistic Mindfulness Therapies

Yoga, breath work and meditation benefits

Developing your inner strength by shaping your mind and body.

Physical benefits

Improves flexibility, Increase strength, Enhance balance, Reduces pain, Boosts immune system.

Mental benefits:

Reduces stress, improves mood, increases focus, Enhance sleep, promotes mindfulness.

Yoga Breath work Meditation

Yoga, breath work and meditation help you find your center, keeping you grounded and balanced with life challenges.

Bend Your Mind, Inspire Yourself

A body cannot support it self if the habitants of the vessel don’t act upon to change.


What They’re Saying

Holistic Mindfulness Therapies

Book The Workshop Classes

Sunday is closed, Saturday last session is at 2:00pm

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Book The Masterclass

Sunday is closed, Saturday last session is at 2:00pm

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